Random Thoughts and Others Quotes
By Unknown on Wednesday, August 10, 2011
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Here are some of my random thoughts and other quotes I have posted on my favorite social media networks most recently:
Remember to put first things first... 1) God 2) Family 3) Your Calling / Ministry.
A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken. - Ecclesiastes 4:12
God’s Will
I know I am destined for greatness and my promotion comes from God... it’s my heritage and it’s in my pedigree as a child of the KING. I confess today I will faith it, and work it diligently till HE makes it.
I needed to take a day yesterday to shut it all down and slow it down. It ended up being a day of re-dedication.... God is moving and I want to make sure as I move with him that my steps are truly ordered by him vs. my flesh.
Reality Checks
It is so not about you. So, some person place or thing or YOU are agitating you. Good! Pass the test. Move on to the next level. How you react now WILL affect not only generations to come, but yours right now.
The desires of your heart God placed there. What you may be lusting after will never equal in comparison. Spoken by a delivered woman who God blessed with her own heart-tailored Boaz ;-)
Change is Good!
I am constantly changing... A good friend of mine asked my opinion on something yesterday and my reaction was not what she thought was my norm. In the past my answer would had been 'I really don't know about that...' My new response was 'Go for it if you have peace about it.' One response based in fear the other one based in confidence/peace...
When you start to see RED (emotional/fearful over a situation) is a clear sign you need to STOP pray, assess, conquer and then overcome. Relax; Relate and Release are good next steps...
I am still in personal evaluation mode. Here is a question I asked myself after a recent bible study... Whose character are you emulating? God's or Satan's? Did you know if you say you are going to do a thing and you don't do it... You are a liar? I guess that is where that childhood rant came from... "Liar, Liar pants on fire!"
"EXCELLENCE is attention to detail, that gives rise to superior performance, which leads to promotion in life." -Dr. Bill Winston
Learn to settle down and be happy with what you have while the Lord is preparing you for something better - Joyce Meyer
“Sometimes you have to believe in someone else's belief in you till yours kicks in.” - Les Brown ... So why don't you believe in God's belief in you? His is the ONLY one that really matters l!
"My only competition is me in the past... Don't play me." – Prince
© 2011 Lela Jefferson – http://www.memoirsofablackgirl.com
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